Tax Debt

We Offer tax debt help fast

Do you find yourself with a Tax Debt? Do you have an outstanding Tax Debt that needs to be cleared? Finding a Tax Debt Solution doesn’t have to be hard. Apply today and National Funding Group can settle tomorrow – we can lend up to $5 million in just 24 hours!

  • Don’t get overwhelmed, your tax debt is manageable
  • We can address the problem now so it doesn’t keep coming back
  • We look for a Tax Debt Solution that suits you

Finding the cause of the issue is the first step in solving the problem

Are you having a problem sorting your Tax Debt? Are you struggling to pay it off? National Funding Group can help you solve your Tax Debt, we are the experts, we have the experience and we know the law – as a result we can offer you the very best Tax Debt Solution – tailor made for you.

We can speak to the ATO on your behalf, negotiate a reduction in your tax, assist you with a plan and help you obtain a tax debt loan to help you avoid further penalties or fines.

Once you find you have a tax debt it’s very easy for that debt to keep accumulating until it reaches a stage where you are so overwhelmed you feel you can’t cope. At National Funding Group we work with you to find a solution, while looking into your debt and finding the cause – helping ensure the debt doesn’t return.

Our solutions are less complicated than trying to negotiate with the ATO or finding alternate finance. You need to address the problem at the source otherwise the problem is bound to return regardless of how much money you use paying off a Tax Debt.

Recently settled scenarios relating to tax debt

  • $150,000.00 secured by a first mortgage over an industrial property located in rural Queensland. The ATO was pressuring our client to repay the Tax Debt or a Wind Up Notice was to be enforced. National Funding Group paid out the debt and freed up some working capital for the company.
  • Our client had an outstanding ATO debt of $100,000.00. The ATO had placed a wind up notice against the company in question. NFG received the scenario 3 days before the wind up date. Security offered were two residential properties totalling $2,600,000.00, with an existing first mortgage of $1,200,000.00 and a second mortgage of $200,000.00. NFG was able to finance the second mortgage payout and the ATO debt funding and settled within 3 business days.

Product Guide

1st Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $10,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

2nd Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $5,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Cash Advance

  • Loans from $10,000 to $1,000,000
  • Upto 60% LVR on wholesale value against “Large Ticket” items
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Plant & Equipment

  • Loans from $10,000 – $1,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

All Loans

  • Minimum term 30 days
  • Up to a maximum term 6 months with roll over
  • Interest can be capitalised within LVR guidelines
  • All Australian locations considered for 1st and 2nd mortgages and Plant and Equipment security