Short Term Loans

Our Short Term Loans

Our short term loans are available for any worthwhile purpose, from funding growth, managing cash flow or taking advantage of an urgent investment opportunity. Terms range from one week to six months, and all applications are considered including applicants with poor credit histories and previous loan defaults. We request that an asset is provided as security for your loan, as this allows us to fast-track loan approval with rapid settlement times.

Short term loans are designed to assist business’s overcome their capital and cash-flow problems that mainstream lenders are unable to full-fill. Their primary purpose is to fund an expense or capital requirement where the borrower does not have immediate access to cash, but expects to have access to cash in the near future. Examples:

  • A business requires funds pay employee wages as it waits to receive payments from clients.
  • A developer requires funds to start a new project while sales are finalised for existing project.
  • Bridging between sale and purchase of a property

Interest rates on short-term loans tend to be higher than long-term loans, which can make short-term borrowing expensive.


Why use National Funding Group?

Previous Credit Issues: Unpaid defaults and Poor Cash Flow problems can be “favorably mitigated” against acceptable security /equity.

  • We are traditional “No Doc” Equity Lenders
  • We are “Self Funded”  financiers
  • We are leaders in providing “Non Coded” Loans
  • Our “In House Assesment” means faster approvals – Letters of Offer are generally issued within the hour
  • A variety of security is acceptable including Real Estate Security and “Large Ticket Items” such as motor boats, yachts and cars
  • Settlements can occur within 24 hours
  • National Funding Group accepts security “Australia Wide” –  and accepts “Specialised Security” that mainstream lenders will not.


Who can National Funding Group Assist?

  • Cannot produce Tax Returns / BAS Statements for “traditional” credit assesment
  • Are looking for “Business related” Finance
  • Are Credit impaired – Paid and / or Unpaid
  • Have outstanding unpaid “Business Related” ATO Debts
  • Are in part 10 / Bankruptcy / Liquidation – or about to enter into the same
  • Have business related “Cash Flow” problems
  • Need to settle within 5 business days
  • Cannot settle on time due to slow procedures from “traditional” Lenders
  • Need “commercial bridging finance” up to a maximum term of 6 months
  • Only have Motor boats, Cars and Yachts as security
  • Have a loan scenario that is deemed to be not “Coded”
  • Settle up to $5 Million Dollars in the same day from application to settlement

Product Guide

1st Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $10,000,000
  • Up to 75% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

2nd Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $5,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Cash Advance

  • Loans from $10,000 to $1,000,000
  • Upto 60% LVR on wholesale value against “Large Ticket” items
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Plant & Equipment

  • Loans from $10,000 – $1,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

All Loans

  • Minimum term 30 days
  • Up to a maximum term 6 months with roll over
  • Interest can be capitalised within LVR guidelines
  • All Australian locations considered for 1st and 2nd mortgages and Plant and Equipment security