Recent Scenarios

Business Purchase - $300,000.00

Client required $300,000.00 for a business they had purchased from a receiver at a much reduced price; however had a requirement to settle the loan within 2 days. NFG lent the client the funds needed against their residential property via first mortgage and the loan was settled in the requested time frame.

Exit: Refinance through a Major.

$2,100,000.00 Urgent Cash Flow

NFG was approached to assist borrowers with urgent cash flow to purchase stock for their business. The borrowers were in a distressed state as they were going to lose the stock. NFG urgently paid out the first mortgage against the borrower’s commercial building and residential property and raised the extra funds to assist with the purchase of stock. NFG assisted the borrowers with a loan amount of $2.1m.

Exit: Cash flow from the Sale of the Stock.

$450,000.00 Urgent Settlement

Client came to NFG as their loan expired with another lender on two commercial buildings owing $450,000.00 (client had never missed an interest payment). The lender appointed a liquidator which made it extremely difficult for the client to refinance. NFG arranged the funding within 3 business days, paid the liquidator as well as the lender, saving the clients properties.

$110,000.00 On Plant & Equipment Only

Client came to NFG for a loan against their unencumbered drill rig in WA. The client needed the funds urgently for business cash flow as they had signed a major work contract and needed urgent cash flow to complete the jobs. The loan was secured on the drill rig only.

Exit: Cash flow from competed works.

90% LVR Lend:

Client needed $550,000.00 to pay for a shipment of goods that arrived from China. Client had a property worth $4 million however the debt was $3.2 million (without NFG’S Loan). Client wasn’t able to get finance from a traditional lender as the LVR was too high. NFG secured the property via caveat at an LVR of 90 % as the client had a guaranteed exit.

Exit: Client had a guaranteed take out from a government department which was verified by NFG’s solicitors. Scenario settled in 2 days.

Urgent Property Settlement - $500,000.00

Client current has an owner occupied equine property (unencumbered) which specialises in horse breeding and wanted to purchase another property for development. Due to the specialised nature of client’s existing security, traditional funders were unable to assist the client with his funding requirement to purchase the new property. NFG lent $500,000.00 to purchase the development property, secured by two 1st Mortgages. Settled in 2 days.

Exit: Refinance through traditional lender.

$262,000.00 for an ATO Debt

Previous client returned to NFG to help payout their ATO Debt. Client owns many unencumbered vehicles due to the nature of their business. NFG paid the ATO with a PPSR charge over the unencumbered vehicles and first mortgage on their small commercial property. Loan was settled in 2 days.

Exit: Refinance on commercial property and lease back for the vehicles.

Truck Purchase $152,000.00

Client required urgent funds to help settle on a truck they had purchased for their company. The financials of the company where a little soft (at the moment – however have signed a new and profitable contract) for a traditional leasing loan and the client didn’t own any property for security. NFG lent the client the money for the purchase against the new truck and the clients other unencumbered vehicles. Loan settled in 3 days.

Exit: Income from newly signed contract which will enable refinance through traditional leasing company.