Cross Collateralisation

All our loans are subject to cross collateralisation

Cross collateralisation is a term used when the collateral for one loan is also used as collateral for another loan. If a person has borrowed from the same bank for a home loan secured by the house, a car loan secured by the car, and so on, these assets can be used as cross-collaterals for all the loans.

At National Funding Group we are able to cross collateralise any asset that has value, whether it be by an Investment Property, Boats, Cars, Plant and Equipment, even the debt another organisation or company owes you. At National Funding Group we use the equity in any asset to reach your desired LVR%

Product Guide

1st Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $10,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

2nd Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $5,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Cash Advance

  • Loans from $10,000 to $1,000,000
  • Upto 60% LVR on wholesale value against “Large Ticket” items
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Plant & Equipment

  • Loans from $10,000 – $1,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

All Loans

  • Minimum term 30 days
  • Up to a maximum term 6 months with roll over
  • Interest can be capitalised within LVR guidelines
  • All Australian locations considered for 1st and 2nd mortgages and Plant and Equipment security
  • Quick Enquiry