Bank Guarantee

Secure the contract

A bank guarantee allows you to offer customers, suppliers and other third parties a guarantee of payment to secure a contract or leasing arrangement without tying up your working capital or affecting your other business activities.

A bank guarantee may suit your business if you need to promise payment to a third party, (eg: to secure a business contract or leasing arrangement) or if you are in an industry such as property development, building, contracting or retailing.

Let’s talk

Speak with a National Funding Group consultant today, and solve your short term funding needs – fast. Contact us on 02 9223 7181 or email us at [email protected].

Product Guide

1st Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $10,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

2nd Mortgages

  • Loans from $10,000 – $5,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Cash Advance

  • Loans from $10,000 to $1,000,000
  • Upto 60% LVR on wholesale value against “Large Ticket” items
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

Plant & Equipment

  • Loans from $10,000 – $1,000,000
  • Up to 70% LVR Max
  • Interest rate from 2% per month

All Loans

  • Minimum term 30 days
  • Up to a maximum term 6 months with roll over
  • Interest can be capitalised within LVR guidelines
  • All Australian locations considered for 1st and 2nd mortgages and Plant and Equipment security